Saturday, October 5, 2013


To know the class analysis of the Philippine society determines the strategy and tactics of the Philippine Revolution.

  • Base on our class analysis of the Philippine society, the motive forces  or friends of the Philippine Revolution are the proletariat, the peasantry, the petty bourgeoisie and at certain times a national bourgeoisie. These people compose the majority who are being oppressed and exploited by U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

  •  On the other hand, the targets or enemies of the Philippine Revolution are U.S. imperialism and its local lackeys which are the comprador big bourgeoisie. the landlord class and the bureaucrat capitalists. These compose an extremely small minority of the population. They need to be overthrown in order to achieve national freedom and democracy. 

  •  In order to destroy the enemies, we need to conduct a nation war of liberation vs. the U.S. imperialism. That's why they concluded a democratic revolution which is mainly  peasant war,  to destroy feudal base of imperialist rule.

 There can be no successful revolution  without the correct leadership of a definite class. 


  • It is the leading class in the Philippine Revolution today.
  • It is the most advanced productive and political force in the Philippines and in the whole world.
  • It is the standard-bearer of the universal theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, without which no genuine revolutionary movement can arise in the Philippines in the present era. 


Only the Filipino proletariat has become capable of fully comprehending and embracing the patriotic and progressive aspirations of the entire Filipino people.  It is the class in Philippine society that has dared to lead the people onto the road of revolutionary armed struggle against their foreign and local oppressors and exploiters. It is the class that has gained the profoundest experience and lessons in the concrete practice of the Philippine Revolution. Proletariat leads the present stage of people's democratic revolution and it will also lead the subsequent stage of socialist revolution.

Communist Part of the Philippines

  • It is the most advanced embodiment and the principal instrument of the revolutionary leadership of the Filipino proletariat in fulfilling its historic mission. 
  • It is composed of the most advanced elements of the proletariat and, therefore, it is the concentrated expression of the ideological, political and organizational strength of the proletariat as a leading class.

Without this revolutionary party, there can be no revolutionary movement. It is responsible for applying correctly the universal theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought on the concrete conditions of Philippine society. Its practical leadership and policies, determine the course of the revolutionary movement. Acting as the general staff of the Philippine Revolution, the Party sees to it that correct strategy and tactics bring the revolutionary cause forward.

Although the proletariat is relatively small in a semicolonial and semifeudal society like that of the Philippines, the Communist Party of the Philippines as its most advanced detachment goes deep among the broad masses of the people and builds itself up as the invincible force at the core of the entire revolutionary mass movement. The Party links firmly the proletariat with the peasantry and also with other revolutionary classes and groups in the Philippines. By providing proletarian leadership to the peasantry, the Party can wield a strong people's army as its principal weapon and can develop the basis for wielding another powerful weapon, the national united front of all revolutionary classes and strata.


  • It is the main force of the Philippine Revolution.
  • It is the largest mass force in a semicolonial and semifeudal country.
  • Without its powerful support, the people's democratic revolution can never succeed.
  •  Its problem cannot but be the main problem of the people's democratic revolution
  • It is only by acting upon this problem that the proletariat and its Party can arouse and mobilize the peasant masses.

 There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage arm struggle, conduct agrarian revolution and build revolutionary base areas.

 In the course of carrying out the revolutionary struggle for land as a way of fulfilling the main democratic content of the Philippine Revolution, the central task of the entire national revolutionary movement which is to seize political power and consolidate it is also carried out.

The main armed contingents of the Philippine Revolution can be raised only by waging a peasant war.Thus, it is inevitable that the vast majority of the Red fighters of the New People's Army can only come from the peasantry.

It would be erroneous for a Communist Party in a semicolonial and semifeudal country to put the principal stress of its mass work in the cities instead of in the countryside. To do so is to mislead itself into either committing the "Left" opportunist error of trying to seize power mainly on the basis of the mass strength of the proletariat in cities without adequate support from the peasantry or the Right opportunist error of relying indefinitely on parliamentary struggle and unprincipled compromises with the imperialists and the ruling classes as the local revisionist renegades are now trying to do.


It is with due respect to the uneven development of Philippine society that the principal stress should be put on revolutionary struggle in the countryside and the secondary stress on revolutionary struggle in the cities. At all times, the revolutionary struggle in the city and countryside should be well-coordinated. But we should never miss the central fact that it is in the countryside where the weakest links of the political power of the enemy are to be found and where the people's armed forces have the widest area for maneuver in eating up the counterrevolutionary armed forces piece by piece and destroying them step by step.

It is in the countryside where the enemy can be compelled to spread his forces thinly and lured into areas where the initiative is completely in our hands.Though in the beginning the enemy encircles us strategically ten to one, we can in turn encircle him tactically ten to one. In the long run, the tide of the war will be surely turned against him as his actual forces dwindle and it becomes politically difficult to replenish them. At all times, he will be compelled to deploy an exceedingly large military force even only in the static defense of his cities, major camps and main lines of communication and transport. In the long run his parasitic and passive military forces will also become hopelessly involved in the factional struggles of the reactionary classes.

In the countryside, we can develop several fighting fronts, ranging in quality from guerrilla zones to base areas. In doing so, we should always trust and rely on the masses because revolution is a mass undertaking. We should always rely mainly on the poor peasants, the lower-middle peasants and all sections of the proletariat and semiproletariat found in the countryside. Furthermore, we should win over the middle peasants and neutralize the rich peasants to isolate and destroy the main pillars of feudalism and all other local tyrants.

In creating our base areas, we depend on a sound mass base, a sound Party organization, a fairly strong Red army, a terrain favorable to military operations and economic resources sufficient for sustenance.

We can turn the most backward areas in the countryside into the most advanced political, military, economic and cultural bastions of the revolution. We can create the armed independent regime in the countryside even before defeating the enemy in the cities. Only on the basis of solid democratic gains in the countryside can the revolution advance. Because of the uneven development of Philippine society, the people's democratic revolution can develop only in an uneven way. Thus, it would take a protracted people's war to bring about a thoroughgoing revolution all over the country.


The central task of the Philippine Revolution is to overthrow US Imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, the seizure of political power and its consolidation. The purpose is to liberate the Filipino nation from foreign oppression and from feudal oppression.


 1. In the Political Field  

          The principle of Democratic centralism shall be the main organizational principle of the People's Democratic Republic of the Philippines. Revolutionary base should be must be develop in order to establish the independent regime. The people's democratic government can be established where the people have won under proletarian revolutionary leadership.


 2. In the Military Field

          The New People's army shall be the mainstay of the people's democratic state system. It has now the  principal task of seizing political power consolidating it. It must always serve the people and defend them from their enemies.All forms of the people's armed forces must have a mass character and they must be led by the proletariat and it's party and they are mainly from the ranks of the peasantry.

3. In the Economic Field 

          The principle of self-reliance must be implemented in economic affairs even while our revolutionary forces are still creating the rural base areas and guerrilla zones. We must engage in production and not limit ourselves to the cash income and expense account based on contributions, confiscations or war bonds. We must use our resources wisely by following strictly the style of simple living and hard work.We must confiscate the property of the imperialists, the exploiting classes and traitors to benefit the proletarian and semiproletarian masses. The state shall run all nationalized enterprises and all sources of raw materials and power. All enterprises which have a monopolistic character shall be taken over.The lands of the landlords shall be distributed at no cost to the peasants who have little or no land. The principle of equalizing landownership shall be implemented.

4. In the Cultural Field

          The Philippine Revolution cannot advance at all without the general awakening of the broad masses of the people. The concept of peoples democracy or national democracy of a new type must pervade the cultural activities of the revolutionary mass movement.A revolutionary national culture must be propagated in order to oppose imperialist oppression and uphold the dignity and independence of the Filipino nation. It must repudiate the decadent culture of colonialism, imperialism and neocolonialism. It must adopt certain traditional and modern cultural forms and infuse these with content that enhances the national-democratic revolution. It must link up with the socialist and new-democratic cultures of other nations.A scientific culture must be propagated in order to oppose the reactionary idealism dished out by imperialism and feudalism and also the superstitions that still persist. The theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought must be the leading core of this scientific culture. It should serve as the guide for the practical movement of the revolutionary masses as well as for the ideological remolding of intellectuals.The revolutionary workers, peasants and fighters should be the heroes of this mass culture.

5. In the Field of Foreign Relations

Direct relations with fraternal parties, with revolutionary movements and with socialist countries like the Peoples Republic of China and the Peoples Republic of Albania must be established. When the Peoples Democratic Republic of the Philippines shall have been established, it shall open and maintain diplomatic and trade relations with all countries which respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Filipino people and which engage in such relations for mutual benefit. It shall abide by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. All unequal treaties and arrangements with the international bourgeoisie led by U.S. imperialism must be immediately abrogated.


It has already been made clear that the Philippine Revolution has two stages. The first stage is that of the peoples democratic revolution. The second stage is that of the socialist revolution. The Philippine Revolution, therefore, has a socialist perspective.